Spooky blue light

After the best nights sleep on Sunday I had a dreadful sleep last night. Didn’t fall asleep till around 3 so I felt pretty rough again today. Sore throat and husky voice still persisting but another LFT was negative so just a weird cold.

Phin had an appointment with the groomer at lunchtime and is looking very respectable with his shiny coat, clean teeth and ears and beautifully groomed oaws. She used a special shampoo to help with the shedding so hopefully we will notify e a difference!

Trip to the supermarket with Miss PHL, didn’t buy a lot of actual food but needed to stock up on basics and toiletries so it wasn’t very cheap. A trip to the German supermarket beckons tomorrow for the supplies we need for going away on Thursday.

Spent the rest of the afternoon finishing off my final 5 hats. Now all boxed and ready to pop in the post.

Spotted this wee light which attaches to Phin’s collar - note to self, as it’s getting darker in the evening, need to actually attach it! - so that’s my blip. Still not caught up on journals or comments - my bad.

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