
Gulliver did some more work on his piece, it is sounding absolutely amazing, Ricky Wilde wants to send it to some film music contacts of his! Max and I went up to his room to listen to it and I found his rabbit on the floor next to his bed that he had since he was born, I chose it for him when I was pregnant. When he was about 2 rabbit fell out of his pushchair and got lost, Max came home and Gulliver said his first sentence ‘ee lost ‘is rabbit’! Max immediately manufactured posters which we put up round the local area and a lovely lady found rabbit at the station and brought him home, I don’t think Rabbit has left the house since!
How the time flies by!

I spent the morning in a zoom meeting with James Wiltshire from F9 audio (the Freemasons) and a couple of women that I’m going to be on a panel with Brighton music conference on Friday. Fay Barton is a talented guitarist, DJ, singer songwriter and producer and Jess Kidd he is a songwriter and singer, they’re both amazing women and I’m so looking forward to being on the panel with them and meeting them in the flesh.

I’m learning three songs on the ukulele and so is my friend Claire, she’s going to do the harmonies and we’re aiming to do an open mike sometimes before Christmas! Yes we have chosen stand by me, three Little birds and so lonely, so I spent some time learning those.

I have a sore throat and ear so I didn’t go to college for induction but my tutor has sent me all the information, tomorrow I have an online meeting with my mentor at Kingston College, Bernadette. Busy busy.

I decided to cook dinner, I don’t normally cook the dinner but Max has been out photographing some fine art all day and I knew he would be tired, Gulliver gave me a hand chopping vegetables and made a delicious battered chicken with turmeric rice and spinach stop

I wanted to watch everybody’s talking about Jamie, I was invited to the premier but I was in self-isolation! It turns out my friend James Wiltshire worked on some of the music and also my friend bassist Guy Pratt. I read the music credits and recognised some other names in there. I think it’s a brilliant film, really well done and I found it very moving. I never saw the stage show.

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