A full day

A good beginning - the first crocus of the season in flower.
A good middle - a lovely day out with Ruth and my Mum.
A good end - See extra pic of the glorious sunset.

Crocus niveus, a good doer for me in the Norfolk garden seems to be carrying on where it left off.   By the look of it I may get some seed from these next spring. 

We went over to Machynlleth (Mack - un - th - leth) where Mum and Ruth delighted in an excellent fabric shop, we all browsed antique shops, I bought some bowls cheaply in a charity shop and we had a series of messages and a call about the flat in Birmingham.   Even though Ruth's bid was not the highest in the end, the current owner wants Ruth to live there.  She saw Ruth's reaction on first visit and it matched her own but also she's also been moved by Ruth's circumstances.  A big hearted decision from a lovely lady :-)

In the afternoon we called in at Corris Craft Centre, somewhere I've visited on and off ever since it opened over a quarter of a century ago.   Candles, glass blowing, leather, wood and much more.  Good memories stirred as I sat in the sun while the others shopped.   Back home I cooked up a Hello Fresh meal for us, Moroccan Fruity Lamb with Bulgar Wheat.   Absolutely delicious even if I do say so myself!!

Spotting the glow in the sky, I took Mum back via the seafront before heading into work for an hour.   Just a walk for Meg and I can call it a day.

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