
By Livingandloving

Eastery Projects

We had a stay at home and do 3 weeks of laundry and housework sort of day. I couldn't let it be allllllllllllllllllllll work and no play though, so my girl and I worked on an Easter craft. It was sooooooooooooooo messy, and a bit hard to do at times. It involves VERY sugary water, balloons, and bits of string. I'll share a picture of the finished project when we have completed them.

It was a peaceful day that ended with a bit of chaos. The Hubby and his friend accidently started a scary fire in our garage, and The Hubby suffered some pretty awful 2nd degree burns on his hands, but we are lucky it wasn't any worse, and there wasn't any structural damage. Very Lucky.

I also wanted to update on my cousin. He is doing remarkedly well. Amazingly well. There is hope to move him out of ICU soon. I'm so grateful.

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