Walking the Dogs

I forgot my camera. Now for many people that might be an ok scenario but for me to go on a dog walk without my permanent appendage is positively unheard of. An iPhone shot of the walk.

I had my phone. I can't even now go to the loo without taking it as sure as eggs is eggs it will go off. I speak from experience here. 

The morning started well. I found it easy peasy to get a sample from Poppy and giving the vets time to wake up dropped it in later. The result of which means now I have to give Poppy medicine 3 times a day. This, is on top of Tilly's meds and ongoing eye scenario everyday too. 

Fielding all day very kind messages and chatting to Mum keeping her spirits up. I just don't at the moment know what to do for the best. There are many issues and I'm waiting a little.

Decided better of doing the accounts which need all my concentration and roped in Tammy  (who has been off work sick) on her last day of freedom to give me some advice very quickly on fabrics for the spare room. Chat with DIL which was lovely and am now going batty but you knew that. Read on.

We now have a bat survey going on here with people camped round the garden etc with bins (slightly spooky) looking for bat roosting sites. I have an Echo Meter. I think I know exactly what is in the garden but they are camped around on comfy chairs - oh yes - for the evening. Should I offer them coffee ;) Should we just watch our recorded episode of Vigil  - likelyI Don't want them to scare the foxes :))

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