Life through the lens...

By ValC

There goes the sun.

After spending the day visiting friends we went down to Perranuthnoe beach for the sunset.
Not as spectacular as last night, but still beautiful light.
It was a toss up between two photos.
Mr C liked the one with the people sat watching the sea and sun.
So that is my main blip and the other was taken as I walked along the coast path.

I wonder which you like best.
Decided to change them round!

We went to Rosemary and Barry’s for morning coffee. They insisted we stop for lunch and eventually left at 3.30pm.
So much catching up to do as, because of Covid, it is two years since we met.
A very enjoyable day with much laughter.
Hoping one day they will be able to come up to Yorkshire and we can show them around.

Another warm and sunny day. 21C.
Mainly spent in R& B’s conservatory.
During lockdown they have redesigned the garden which looked lovely.
R gave me three of her rooted cuttings. I will have to find a spot for them in the garden when we get home.
Hope they will survive “ up North”!

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