Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I had several chores planned for today. Then I slept badly during the night and woke up earlier than the alarm, so not much have been done today. Thankfully there's tomorrow too. :)
I was thinking I wanted to put some bulbs in soil, for springtime tulips and garlic. Then I realised that I don't have space for them right now. At least not the tulips. Perhaps I can by one garlic and try out this year. But the tulips needs more space, so I'll have to add that to my building plans. But, it would be wonderful to have spring flowers before the season really starts! :)
Instead I started to sort, fold and mend the tea dyed papers that've just dried and put them in order for the signatures. At first I thought 12, as in 12 years, but as you can see... it'll be a monster journal! Now it's down to 8 signatures, but with all the papers. More room to write, but I think I can remove some of the book pages and perhaps use the interesting bits and put them on the tea dyed papers, or something like it. It takes so much time to sort around and get a nice mix of papers too. But, the more thorough I am now, the better it'll be in the end. I also need to figure out a closure. I'm thinking a fabric one, with kind of a belt closure, or  rings (to be able to widen the closure) and a hook perhaps. I have these lightweight hooks that would come in handy. I need to think this over. But, now I need a cup of tea and some English crime. Either Lewis, or Midsomer Murders. :)

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