Footprints in the snow

Oh yay (heavy sarcasm). It's another winter like day. I shot this from my front window earlier today. Thankfully most of the snow is not sticking to the street. Just south of me it looked like a blizzard today.
A meteor was spotted up and down the East Coast two days ago. I wonder if it had any effect on the weather. I'm pretty sure it would have to be a massive meteor to do that. Still you have to wonder that something isn't influencing our wacky weather. The news stated it's been below normal for the entire month of March so far.
A little rabbit was sitting on my lawn today as the snow was coming down and he looked so confused. He's probably wondering where the grass is! I remember one Easter when I was about nine years old and it was snowing lightly when we woke up Easter morning. The doorbell rung and my siblings and I went to see who it was. Nobody was there but our Easter baskets were sitting by the door and outside on the front porch steps were little tiny footprints in the snow. The Easter Bunny of course!! Hey, I was gullible and my parents took advantage of a snowy day to convince us there was still some magic in the world. It worked.

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