It's too cold to do a daytime Daffodil photo.

In fairness this was minutes away of being a blip of the car registration of the annoying little scrote who was parked outside the house trying to vibrate his fillings out using the sound system in his shitty little corsa.

But having told him (almost nicely) to turn it down, just as he had turned it down... he had then driven off again before I got out there.

But as he had gone and I didn't need to photograph his licence plate for later on (it had that air of turning nasty, and I'm really a) not that good at backing down, and b) a hair width's away from exploded at someone); I decided to snap the daff's in our garden.
Luckily the have been very considerate and all of them seem to have rotted over our recent glorious summer & autumn weather, and as such I managed to fit all the blooms into the one shot.

Strangely though we do seem to have a lot of tulip shoots this year. Maybe they are more resilient to trench foot.

John Update.
Only the one really foul nappy today, and no vomit. Went to the drs but he seems quite blasé about it all as john was being very cheerful tomorrow.

So off to London tomorrow with Ciarán.
Trying to debate whether to take the SLR with me aswell as the pocket canon. Would love to spend the day snapping, but suspect it will not happen. Might take it, but with a small lens on.

Will probably not blip tomorrow (unless it's a smartphone blip)

p.s I know it's not a great photo, but trying to do it without the flash, and hold it steady whilst crouched in the garden at a really funny angle, it was the best I could do.

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