
Had the first decent unbroken night of sleep since before surgery. 7 hours, undisturbed. Woke briefly to nip to the loo (shuffle to be honest) then return to bed for another 3 hours.

Have spent much of the day ensconced on the sofa. The pile of stuff next to me allow me not to have to move. house phone, mobile, remote controls, purse for online shopping, snacks (almonds ...healthy).

Corin had the presence of thought to put a small jug of milk in the fridge so that I could make tea - am not allowed to lift the 2 litre cartons of milk. The kettle was full and as we have a one cup kettle, I don't have to lift that either.

I had a sandwich for lunch. Administered my injection. Parts of my body that have not functioned for four days have started working again, which is good, so I don't have to see a doctor about that.

Dad and Ann came to visit this afternoon which was lovely. Nice to have some company and to chat about petrol-head sorts of things.

All is good. Apart from when I sneezed this evening. That hurt. I have had to take some ibuprofen since then.

Long conversation with my amazing husband this evening about my control freak ways and not returning to them when I am fit. Distribution of household chores ... Previously I would have said no way, but I am beginning to realise that being in a partnership is actually about sharing the rubbishy things as well as the good stuff. So, he can have some of the chores. He WANTS to do the ironing. yeah, he can definitely have that one. And I am going to teach him how to cook...

One day he might regret that...but I think, with time, I could definitely learn to love it as much as I love him.

Despite everyone's shock, I am doing as I am told, still.

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