Our last day

The day began with steady rain - disappointing after such a wonderful day yesterday. We decided to visit the museum at Crail while it was wet, then return to St Andrews where there's a number of museums and galleries in case the rain continued.

We had half an hour to kill before the museum opened, so took Sallymair's advice and visited the pottery not far away, even tho' the rain had stopped. Some wonderful stuff in the shop, but at very steep prices. Going by the prices there must be thousands, or even tens of thousands worth of pottery in the shop!

The museum was lovely, staffed by two helpful and friendly ladies. Interesting to find out all about the Crail Royal Naval Air Station, aka HMS Jackdaw, and also about some of the dovecotes, or doocots as they are known in Scotland, around the area. 

We then drove back to St Andrews, lunched in the town centre and then wandered around enjoying the ruined buildings of the old castle and Abbey, the latter closed off because someone had discovered that they were unsafe! We walked down to the harbour - to my shame I hadn't realised that the town had an ancient harbour - which dates from medieval times. As we arrived a boat came in, which gave me my Blip. We finished off with ice creams from Janetta's Gelateria, officially Scotland's best ice cream shop, with over 100 flavours to choose from!

Just before returning to the flat we carried on through Anstruther to the adjoining village of  Cellardyke. We wanted to see the harbour, which is not mentioned on the road signs, probably because the streets are very narrow and parking difficult. I've put a picture on as an extra.

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