Life through the lens...

By ValC

“ Triffids “ taking over!

First thing I noticed, when we came home from Cornwall, was that the nasturtiums had taken over a lot of the garden, and especially round the new seat.
I haven’t pulled them up as think they look rather pretty.
A suitable shot for Flower Friday I thought.

A blustery day of sunshine and showers.
Usual farm shop.
Then rang my sister and BIL answered the phone. He is feeling much better, and as yet sister is Covid free. However their son has tested positive.

We completely forgot that we should have had our flu jabs last night!
I rang the surgery to apologise, and they were very understanding. Fortunately spoke to a nurse we know well, and she has booked us in for teatime today.
Said if we missed again we would get our legs smacked! We had to laugh!
( Not an expression used by today’s generation!)
So I have a large notice pinned up in the kitchen!

Afterwards will call for Fish & Chips on the way home. Yummy!

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