
By Beinghere

Looking South over The Firth of Forth

This was taken from the bathing pool beach at Pittenweem today.
I took Geordie and Ollie down for a swim and a chance to tire themselves out, hopefully. Ollie is used to going to the beach at St Andrews where you walk out into the water from the sand. Today he walked along the side of the bathing pool and stepped off!! He immediately disappeared from sight. Totally submerged. He resurfaced with a panicked look on his face, managed to climb back on the wall, and was none the worse for his dooking.
I spent an hour on the beach collecting small pebbles for mosaics, while the dogs careered around in and out of the water, chasing each other. They didn’t stop, lie down or even sit down for a minute. Extra.
We walked back through the park where they both came to me to get their leads on. Jings!
They were just really exhausted I think.

The rest of the day was spent reading and doing boring housework until Grant arrived to pick up Ollie. His house sale went through smoothly today. His furniture is now in storage and he will stay with his Dad until he can buy a house. He has viewed lots of properties, and placed bids for several, but gets outbid every time. It’s a good time to sell, but a rotten time to buy.
I got an email today informing me who my new power company will be, since the company I was with folded last week. Hopefully the change over will go smoothly. Time will tell.

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