
By dunkyc

Rainbow remnants

There was a definite feeling of a little bit of magic in the air today.

Maybe it was that Friday feeling? It’s been a long, tiring week work-wise, so the knowledge that a weekend with my children is merely hours away is a very nice feeling. It has been a good day, what with getting through some work (featuring a conference call with counterparts in Italy – fortunately their English being light years ahead of my Italian), some chores and finding time to squeeze in a couple of nice walks.

It was on the second one to collect the children that the opportunity for today’s blip presented itself. The heavens had opened just at the precise moment I was too far from the house to gather some additional protection from the elements, but fortunately the downpour stopped almost as quickly as it had started leaving behind this stunning remnant.

Maybe rainbows are nature’s way of apologising for the necessity of inclement weather? Ie. “I’m sorry I just wazzed it down all over you, but look at this! Pretty, no?!”

It started raining heavily again after I had collected the wee ones, but we were all in such a good mood and it was raining that hard that we just started laughing as we ran home.

See? Magic.

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