The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Pink-veined fuschia leaves

I have not altered the colour. Just given the picture a 'style' in Photodirector. The little green space is called Anne's garden, and it's a kind of memorial garden half way up Nelson Street, in Stroud.

Today reminded me of how Saturdays used to be, before I worked most of them. My virtual trip to the city of Petra in Jordan had been postponed (admittedly, I never went on virtual tours before 2021, that's a remnant of lockdown life). Friend Ak and I drove to the canal bookshop, because it was far too rainy to walk. I got some audio books on cassettes for our next car trip, and a couple of books (you don't say!) We must have been there for ages, because when we drove to a nearby cafe it was already lunchtime and I was starving. There were no indoor seats, and the garden was wet. Same at the next place. Eventually we went back to pub right next to the bookshop, as we'd heard it is under new management. We found it delightful, with indoor seating and everything! Had a lengthy lunch and then A drove me back to drop off the books and collect some magazine from her. She then took me town for my hair appointment. I walked back home, not especially chuffed that the new place charges £8 more than the hairdresser who was coming to my home, and doesn't even include a blow dry for that price! Still, it's a good cut.

We turned on the heating for the first time because it's so cold now. I've spent the evening watching dramas and documentaries on the second TV, in bed. Haven't even bothered to read the paper. Bliss is mine.

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