Tattie howking

A variable day today - gusty and showery. During a lull in the rain this morning I went to the Walled Garden at Glencruitten to see if there were any runner beans left - I picked one pound, and there might be another pound in a week or so, then that's the end. About 53 pounds all told - not bad. I shall miss them!

I dug the row of 'Rooster' potatoes - about 37 pounds. They're a lot healthier than the 'Maris whatsit' I dug a few weeks ago - obviously free from scab. I still have another short row in between my peas (probably the 'Maris whatsit') - I'll dig them up when I've pulled up the pea supports. I won't be growing them again - they turn to mush when boiled or even steamed. I've ordered a bag of what used to be called 'Sutton's Foremost' - the 'Suttons' has apparently been dropped - for next year; they're first earlies. 

Back home I've got a couple of filled potato bags out on the deck - these are 'Pink Fir Apple' . I hadn't planned to harvest them yet, but while we were away it was obviously quite windy and most of the haulms are broken off, so sometime soon I'll tip them out.

Gone are the days when Scottish youngsters spent their holidays 'tattie howking', or digging potatoes. Nowadays, as we've seen over the last week in Fife, the operation is totally mechanised with huge machines everywhere and numerous signs saying 'Mud on Road'. I did spill a few grains of soil on the carpet when putting my spuds on trays to dry, but not enough to put a sign up!

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