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Busy office day…having left A at home in bed feeling very poorly. She went for a PCR test later in the morning but otherwise slept most of the day.
I caught up with some colleagues I hadn’t seen for a long time as well as some regular meetings then headed over to the first of a lecture series. Had to inwardly smile when I realised mid introductions that I’d forgotten how I do these things….almost 2 years since the last time!
As is often the way, I found a lot to be interested in (despite headline title) and the speaker and his wife were very good company when I took them out afterwards to Prestonfield House for dinner. Very OTT surroundings and to be honest I wasn’t that impressed with the food…classy but not that unusual (and very small portions!). Still, it worked for them and we had an enjoyable evening discussing US/UK culture, politics, education, turning points of life etc etc…
Home later than I expected and chatted to A for a while before bed. The dog arrives tomorrow!

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