Porcelain Fungus

A wonderful autumn morning was spent scouting out the fungi of Old Sulehay NR in preparation for an autumn walk I'm leading at the end of the month. The dry weather has slowed down emergence of many species, but there was still plenty to see, including a wonderful group of Porcelain Fungus on the fallen bough of a Beech tree and plenty of Dead Molls Fingers but no sign of waxcaps or earth-tongues yet!

In the afternoon Pete and I went back to Maxey Village Hall to take down the exhibition, before having tea and cake and looking at all the paintings by the local art society. There'd been interest in my cyacntypes - I had a long chat with a lady about the technique, which she'd always been too nervous to try. And I sold one of my in-camera movement photographs - although it was to a friend - but nevertheless it's a start!

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