
By Grammy

A Glimpse…

…Of the gorgeous mum we won at the school spaghetti dinner. It is easily 18 inches in diameter. The buds have finally opened so it is time to share. Sunny and warm most of the day; chilly with rain at the moment. We woke up way too early and have been dragging. Hubby and his fellow Knights cleaned their section of the highway before I started my day. I made muffins for breakfast and they were ready when my sister and BIL stopped by to see the camper. Then there was laundry awaiting my attention. Hubby picked up a few supplies and started reloading the camper while I made a pizza and prepared a roast and vegetable dinner in the crock pot. We picked Mancil up for Mass, dropped him at his girlfriend’s afterwards and bought a few rugs to protect the new floors. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe folks. "Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” - Lauren Destafano

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