My morning view today. 8.03 am.

A damp mizzly, misty beginning to the morning.
I’m sitting looking out of the patio window with a mug of coffee.
The house is so quiet with the family away.
Raindrops hang off leaves and plants.
The Lectio for today, Sunday, begins with a quote:
“Sabbath is a time to receive silence and let it deepen into gratitude”
For many people finding quiet spaces to reflect and recharge can be almost impossible for all kinds of reasons. Stephen and I know that only too well when there are 8 of us in the house instead of the two of us.
Yet squeezing in a few precious minutes is so beneficial.
For me walking up the garden when everyone is asleep is calming.
I’ve even crept down in the middle of the night and looked at the glory of the stars, and moon, when it is a clear sky.
The profound silence there is awesome.
(I have to make sure I switch the back automatic security light off first! Or I would be spotlighted at 3.00am!)
This doesn’t happen very often, I hasten to add.
Today will be a quiet day.
I had my Booster vaccination yesterday afternoon at our local Town Hall. It was staffed by a conglomeration of our local GP’s Group practices.
They had Marshall’s and helpers.
A local town car park given over for people needing to drive there.
Well done to all of those who have been working flat out to provide this service.
At the moment I have a bit of a sore arm, but no other side effects, but intend to take it steady today, with our church Livestream at 10.30am, and a new book acquired yesterday.
We went to have a coffee after my jab (having waited the statutory 15 minutes at the Town Hall). Then a mooch around a book store. Always a delight. (Masks being worn).
Time for some breakfast.

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