Burrito boy

Andrew likes to play a game with the boys in which he will roll one of them up in a yoga mat, like a burrito, and let him try to get himself out.  They both love this game - here you see Max extricating himself from his wrapper.

The boys are into climbing now and doing it very successfully.  In Extra you see Max standing proudly on the ottoman, being praised for his achievement.  Sam has always led the way with physical skills but Max has caught up to him in the climbing arena.  My other Extra is of Sam, sitting on Lex's lap and enjoying a book.

Sam interacted with me for the first time today.  When I came in he offered me the little duck he had in his hand, and he stopped in front of me to show me toys repeatedly throughout the visit.

They were both so active and happy today, running around, climbing, trying to get into spaces that are off-limits.  Max sat on my lap a couple of times, but once when I was standing in the doorway of the kitchen and he was upset, he wanted me to pick him up and of course I couldn't, so that was the low point of the visit.

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