Journey Through Time

By Sue

Daffy over Daffs..

I really didn't WANT to blip another daffodil, but this was the image that I thought came out the best from my little trip north to the Botanical Wildlife Garden. A few more images can be seen here, if you want to take a quick peek. I really wanted the quince to be the one for today, but it just looks out of focus to another time maybe. A warmer day, with a bit of occasional sprinkles, some clouds and the "threat" of thunderstorms, that I doubt will materialize, especially now that it's getting into the late afternoon. Oh and last year's photo is the one I took of these gorgeous tulips that I had bought. They didn't make it to this season, as Bill left them outside of the greenhouse, and those cute, adorable squirrels that you guys are so fond of...ATE THEM!!!!! So cute. Not. (But, whose fault was that, hmmmm? Bill? LOL . I laugh through my tears.)

Did you listen to Betsy (Just Be) on the radio broadcast? I did! Very nice, especially since I knew who she was talking about, and what she was talking about and it was so nice to hear her voice and that of her much beloved nephew, G. How fun.

Our son is going to spend the night with us. I guess the condo where he is renting is getting new carpeting tomorrow bright and early, and he didn't really want to get up at 7 a.m. to accommodate all of that, so he will stay here and sleep to his normal time. Apparently he doesn't have to be there, as the property management people are dealing with it. He doesn't have to be to his job until about 11 a.m., so he sleeps in later than most. So, yay, we get to visit a little bit with him tonight...

Better go and mull over the food situation. Catch ya later...

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