Journey Through Time

By Sue

I spy with my little eye...

..the suet! I will take possession of it and it will be mine, mine, mine, all mine. Until that Flicker comes and chases me away. (Male Downey Woodpecker returns to the suet..)

And thank you all for the recent favs and subscriptions I have gotten lately. I appreciate that.

They must have very strong muscles in their little feet and legs to be able to clutch on to something like this and stay there. Birds are quite amazing. I wish I'd paid more attention to them when I was younger. Nothing to be done about that now, I suppose, unless I get a "do over" with another life. Get in the afterlife line that want's a "do over" and then check the boxes: good singing voice- check, good strong feet - check, artistic ability - check, early interest in photography-check, a bit smarter - check, good in science and math - check. Would that it were true.

A lovely day and this weekend, Easter weekend, will be the nicest Easter weekend we have seen around here in YEARS! It's going to be in the 70'sF

Lovely leftovers tonight from yesterday's casserole. Always nice to have good leftovers in the fridge.

Catch ya later...

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