Monday's creative artwork

Creative work for today.

"The Revenge of the Starlings (but they sent the Ravens in...)"

This is in response to Popeye and I having to stay indoors for yet another sunny blue-skied day inside my bungalow. It was Sunday.

AH neighbour was screeching/grinding/drilling heavy machinery most of the me and Popeye had to stay inside for the umpteenth  beautiful sunny day. Potting shed is right besides all that horrendous noise, just a metre away. I can take my cochlear hearing processor off, but Popeye still has ears on...

When I move, I will NEVER live that close to a neighbour again.  But, UK housing options are very limited in that respect. Just about every house is in immediate close proximity to another. 

I don't have the funds to buy what I want and need. I am just a pensioner on a State Pension. But I never say never. I am a believer in the impossible. After all I managed to buy a house in the first place in impossible financial circumstances. All the naysayers around me were full of doom and gloom at that time when I went ahead with my house purchase. It was a long and difficult road for me finding the mortgage repayments as now a single mother of three.

I don't have any naysayers around me now. No doubt some might emerge out of the woodwork, if I attempt a difficult venture, but I never listen anyway...

In the meantime, the best I can do is this creation, and it was satisfying doing it. I did let out a few frustrated screams on AH neighbour, but no one would have heard me because of his noise (and Popeye was in the front room safely away from my noise). If you haven't seen it, you might have to look at yesterday's collage photo and words to understand what precipitated this artwork.

So, I give you..."The Revenge of the Starlings (but they sent the Ravens in...)"

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