In My World

By JoanneInOz

At 5:06 am

I woke up during the night at some ungodly hour, to the sound of snoring next to my bed. My Rottie, Tess, must have been having a wonderful dream, sprawled out on the floor!

My first thought was, "I'm going back to sleep!" But, outside, although there was darkness, there was also light...

The full moon! I jumped out of bed, grabbed my camera, rushed outside and took a whole series of moon photos. Once satisfied that I would have a couple of decent shots, back into bed I crawled and promptly fell asleep.

It wasn't until much later that I checked the time the photos were take, this one being at 5:06 am. Not such an ungodly hour after all!

Some of my photos showed more detail of the moon, but I like this one with the palm leaf silhouetted in the moon's glow. :)))

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