
By Marionb

'Tis the Season...?

Had a pretty quiet day at home. Taking a rest day yesterday after straining my back paid off. I was much improved this morning, but still decided to take it easy; no pots were lifted today.

I had invited a friend in for coffee this morning. I had not seen her all summer so we had lots to catch up on... a really nice way to start the day. I wish we could get back into all those pre-covid social gatherings and outings with friends, but I am still cautious....Covid seems to be one of those "Just as we thought things were looking up"... things. It seems to get better, people relax, and then it blows up again. Makes me nervous.

Speaking of things that blow up...( note the segue) but on a happier note! I went for a short walk around the block tonight,  just to get up out of my chair and get moving...and noted that October must be whizzing by as, for whatever reason, Hallowe'en decorations are up everywhere!  Already? 

In one block, I passed 4 houses with huge blow-up ghosts on their front lawns, lit up by flashing blue and purple lights inside them..Quite impressive, but 4 identical ghosts? one block?  Did I miss a big clearance sale on blow-up ghosts or what? 

Then I came upon the Mother of all Hallowe'en Front Lawns with even bigger - but not necessarily better - blow-up scary things! I could not resist stopping to take photos...Wow! Now THAT took a real effort! 

I had no idea people in this neighbourhood were so excited about Hallowe'en...since when? How have I missed all this? I seem to remember a cleverly carved pumpkin on the doorstep..or maybe some stringy, cobwebby stuff thrown over the shrubbery...but all these blow-up things?  Where did they come from? Amazing what you find when you walk the neighbourhood at night...


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