The Bandundo Water Jazz Band

It's been another busy day today, which started with a visit to the vets at 9am as I had to get Louis' passport in order for our trip. It's such a shame as he gets so stressed going to the vets, but once his papers were in order and we left, he was happy and jumping around like a spring lamb! Then I called at the supermarket to pick up a few things, dropped Louis off at home, and went to Zumba.

This afternoon was a bit more relaxed though - I met a couple of friends for a walk around the park in Tervuren, followed by a visit to a lovely coffee shop where we all had hot chocolate and macarons.

My blip today is of the roundabout which you see on arriving in Tervuren - in the centre of the roundabout is this beautiful fountain of the Bandundo Water Jazz Band by Tom Frantzen. Unfortunately the fountain wasn't working today, probably due to the icy conditions, but normally there's water cascading out of the instruments and the animals mouths.

Alan and I are now heading to our local Brasserie for a drink and something to eat, so I'll catch up with you later - have a nice evening!

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