
So it would appear I wasted a morning yesterday.
I got a phone call from the lady at the agency mid afternoon to say that the lady dentist who had been recruited also, had decided the practice was stuck too far back in the dark ages for her liking, so had rescinded her application.
As she was going to be the one generating work for me, this meant my job offer was off the table too!
She was very apologetic about it, acknowledging the fact I’d handed in my notice elsewhere, but with hindsight, I think I may have had a lucky escape.

There’s a few other irons in the fire but if I have to have a day off midweek, I’m sure I’ll cope.

I’m not too bothered about it as after another busy day today, I’ve enough to do at the moment.

Friday night is being well spent with hubby at Laura & Steve’s, with mad cat Vincent. He actually sat still long enough for me to take his photo! :-)

DQ x

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