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Another restless night followed by an early start as my car was being picked up for its annual service and MOT…a grocery delivery arrived then I had to wait in for a parcel to be uplifted and one to be delivered.

This afternoon I set to and cleaned the moss and weeds from the paved area in front of the house whilst it was car free…my back took exception to lifting a planter out of the way so it’s currently being treated with some heat again! It did look a whole lot better once I’d finished. Got some slug pellets put down and the builder along the road is going to repoint around the pipe work for me…he’s also going to look at my sitting room floor tomorrow with a view to levelling it for me. So I’m gradually making some progress finally.

It was gone 5pm before I got out for a walk, there were a few spots of rain as I reached the beach but luckily it didn’t come to anything…it was so mild I ended up having to take my jacket off! Tonight’s blip is another derelict jetty, I think there’s about four of them at my end of the beach. Now to start emptying the sitting room so I can get the carpet up tomorrow!

Thanks to Steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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