Sadly, this is what my eyes look like this morning. I woke at 3 am to go into the bathroom, and couldn’t get back to sleep afterwards. At about 3.30 I started sneezing and this went on and on, so just after 4 am I decided to go downstairs so that I didn’t wake Mr HCB.  By this time, of course, I was wide-awake, although still sneezing! It’s a good job that I’ve got Kleenex balsam tissues, that are soft on the nose. 

When I got downstairs, I decided to look and see what the theme was for abstract Thursday and when it said “Monochrome”, decided that mine would be pink monochrome. Fortunately I was wearing my pink robe so it didn’t take long to take a shot of that and have a little fartknarkle with it in iColorama and this is the result. I turned it into landscape mode because I thought it showed the state of my eyes after being awake for so long in the night!

Having covered myself with my electric throw, I saw 5 o’clock and 6 o’clock and I was still awake. I must’ve drifted off just after that and woke up just after 7 o’clock.  I know that Mr HCB likes to come down, make a pot of tea and listen to Radio 4 news first thing, so decided that I would go back up to bed and sleep for a while, if I could.

I woke just before 9 o’clock, having sent a text to a friend who was due to come and have coffee this morning, because the last thing I want to do is pass on a rotten cold.  I’m now sitting and sniffing, and occasionally sneezing, with my electric throw warming me gently, while Mr. HCB is out pottering in the garden.  Mind you, he would be delighted, because electric throws only cost about 1p per night to run - possibly 2p now that prices have gone up!

As I stood in the kitchen making my porridge, Mr. HCB said he thought the reason I felt so rough was because for the last 18 months or so we haven’t had a cold or anything like that and therefore my body was resisting – but thank goodness the cold virus can’t be transmitted via the Internet.  I think perhaps a steamy shower might help, and I really ought to get dressed and then I’m sure I will feel better.  

Not too  many more days of Pinktober to go, but this definitely fits the bill for a monochrome abstract, and of course it had to be pink. Please continue to click on this LINK, so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram may have a free one. Thank you very much to all those who have clicked every day this month.

“Try to find the moments in your day 
     that give you joy 
          and give you happiness, 
               because there’s still time to laugh, 
                    and life is going on.”
Rita Wilson

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