Industrial archaeology

The refurb house started life as a single storey cart shed, before expanding upwards into a grain store, and sideways to become a larger store still. Then passing through several iterations of house. Now, Georgian builders tended to think they had done a good job, if it was still standing as they walked away. Regular readers may recall (though probably not) that we thought it a good idea to give the back wall some foundations.

That left us with quite a heap of soil and stones to do something with. Sifting through it we found quite a few 18th century pottery shards, with some reasonable hand painted designs on brown earthenware. And this horseshoe.

It's only pony size, and we've had fun picturing the role of the pony and its cart in the early life of the building as a granary. Obviously the pony's name was Bramble because it liked eating them. That sounds convincing, don't you think?

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