
The shadow of yesterday still lingering, but while we did not exactly ignore it, we didn't allow it to get in the way of what we wanted to do today -- look for kitchen tiles for one small wall and also a bit of wall close to the cabinets, because the cabinets are less deep, so there's a bit more wall exposed now.  We actually spent the whole day on the road, driving from one DIY shop to another, and I took pictures of some of the prettier ones, as well as the prices of the better candidates.  More shops will be visited tomorrow.

Issues yesterday not fully resolved but we were able to talk decently today and we listened to what we liked and didn't like, and agreed on some things.  The Ellaphant has drawn the line with some things, and so has he, and those lines need to be respected by all parties.  Tomorrow is another day again.

These designs aren't on the 'chosen list', but they are rather pretty, no?

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