Pre-Birthday Bash

AW dressed in his Saturday best for the dinner at Sweed's and Benna's place.  I'd just given him a haircut two days before.  After dinner, they had their bridge evening.

A quiet Saturday for me, sorting things out for Sluggo, but I do not intend to 'work' for him the whole time.  I did it to keep my own info updated, and he is only profiting from this.  It is just one of my pet peeves that information will be published online that shouldn't be there at all due to incorrectness.  One would owe it to the general viewership to at least give the right information.  Ehem... something for so many news outlets, webshops, and government sites as well?  Anyway, Autumn break is nearly over, and I find myself wishing it would go on for another week yet.

There'll be an extra hour for sleep tonight!  And a big day tomorrow!

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