
We still have flowers in the pond.
In fact, there is a bud poking up - but I don't expect it to get as far as the other one.
When I was coming back in from the pond I noticed that the Mahonia is also in full bloom.
All very strange.

Apart from making a spinning top and waxing a box I have done not a lot.
I started the morning looking for some shots I took at the same place Clickychick posted yesterday. That took an age going through hard drives because it was actually about 3 years further back in the past than I thought (there are 8 over here).
That search had me finding all sorts of stuff I had forgotten about and loads that I knew I could re-process to get a better image.
So guess what I have spent a lot of the day doing.

Now it is time for a glass of wine and a bit of food.

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