Just Before the Rain

I heard him before I ever saw him, and what a delight it was to finally find him in the pear tree. Here he is holding on to a mummified fruit with his clever grasping feet. I'm guessing Downy Woodpecker, as opposed to Hairy Woodpecker. The key, I think, is in the bill, which is not a "railroad spike", but a more normal size, but what do I know? It's the first time I've seen a woodpecker in our garden.There were so many creatures scurrying around; I assume they were stocking up before the storm hit.

The Extras feature a squirrel feasting on a rose hip. It took me awhile to figure out what it was eating with such gusto. And the second Extra, a hummingbird of course, just because it was there and coming closer. I didnt even have to wear my bathrobe to convince him I was a friend.

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