The weather forecast

Said it would be a lovely day with localized showers, and so it was in the morning when I hung my washing out, towels, bath mats and more heavy stuff and Mr HB went off to do some model flying for the first time in a little while.

Mid-afternoon it was a different story.  I had the localized showers which were actually really heavy downpours so the washing had to be rescued pdq.  Mr HB who is only about 7 miles away enjoyed all of the lovely day and didn't experience a drop of rain.  Shame I was the one to experience the localized showers.
Instead of braving the walk I drove to 'Matilda's' storage to drop a few things off for our impending last outing next week and this was where I saw the rainbow, and when I got home there was a very brief and beautiful sunset - so quick I missed capturing it.

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