Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Spacious medieval hall

Today I had planned on a landscape blip from St Catherine's  Hill.  Getting there early means walking though the reserve and on down the river.  It was very frosty.  I might even have seen a deer or two.  Unfortunately, once again all I saw was a man standing around at the end of the track to the pond.  Just standing.  In the frost.  I don't believe they go there, these guys, because they're homeless,  They're reasonably well dressed, have mobiles, cans of beer sometimes.  Anyway, I'd had enough.  I went home for breakfast.  After which I talked to the wildlife trust.

So instead I landed up getting the bus out to lovely St Cross for my blip.

This is the medieval hall that for hundreds of years was the dining area for the resident old men.  It's very high roof makes it feel enormously spacious.  I took this from the low dais where the Master used to lord it over the poor chaps.  Exactly why it has a minstrels' gallery I couldn't tell you, but those embossed leather buckets were there to put out fires.  What 6 buckets could have done to control the flames in such a huge wood-lined building...

If you've ever tried blipping buildings as old as this you will know how impossible it is to get proper right-angles, upright uprights and doorways that don't lean.  As usual, I've done my best but it all looks as crooked as Hazel's back legs.

Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting today's WidWed challenge on the subject of 'Spacious'.

Have a good Wed evening/Thurs morning, dear blippers  xx

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