
By DramaQueen

Rinse, don’t spit!

It was my penultimate day at this particular clinic today; what a great day it was!

Bittersweet in some cases, as I had a few patients who have waited for me to return to work after my accident before they booked in (other hygienists are available).
One in particular brought me the wine to say ‘welcome back’; she was distraught to find out I’m leaving.
In fact, almost everyone today has expressed their sadness at my departure which has left me feeling like I have actually done a good job and made a difference during my time there.

My ‘regulars’ have shared their lives with me (and I with them); telling me about holidays, families and often the not so nice stuff too. I think I will miss them too.

There are people that I’m not going to get to see before I leave, so I’ve made a note of their addresses and plan to send them a little card to say goodbye. You never know, I could be back there again one day so I’d hope they’ll remember me.

It’s been hard keeping my composure at times; having people say nice things isn’t usual in dentistry; they’re usually quick to say how much they hate us.

The hardest part of my job today was keeping it together when an 80 year old lady decided to prove to me that she could still touch her toes, with palms flat on the floor.
As she bent forward, her trousers came down at the back and my poor nurse got full mooned.
We aren’t sure if the lady realised what had happened, she simply stood up, adjusted her waistband and gave a little bow. Bless her :-D

DQ x

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