Candy Floss Clouds

The weather was cold and wet today, so I decided to wander round some of the friends instead of go to the coffee morning. One of the guys on the street has been kicked off the soup kitchen list for 2 weeks because of aggressive behaviour...hunger is only making him more fed up, irritable and aggressive! Ended up spending much of the morning making a huge pot of hearty food and distributing it round at lunch time. We had it for tea and it was really tasty!
Asha and I went up to Dalt Vila again this early evening (sunset is SO early now!! 5,50pm!), she's so enjoying playing around with settings and seeing the differences in images. 
Nate's hot and snotty so I think he's got a bit of a cold, poor lad. Hopefully a good night's sleep will help.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling like it was a morning well spent.
2) One of the homeless guys giving me a big thing of washing detergent - I really appreciated his thoughtfulness. 
3) Group hugs with the kids at bedtime. 

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