A geocaching trip

St Wilfrid's Church in Standish. 
Look at that sky! It was cold but I don't mind that to have the sunshine. I get fed up with grey, dismal days.
Extra photo of an ornate milestone marker.
I struggled with the hip and back pain today. I really need to see a GP as the poor sleep and the almost constant pain are getting me down now. Not just my hip and back now - it's my knees, an ankle, a shoulder, a scapula and an elbow! Oh and sometimes my fingers swell up and are painful! I have trouble putting my socks on now so it's clear that I am seizing up when I could get them on without problem before all this started. I don't think physio and painkillers is enough - there should be some sort of investigation as to what this is! I was riding my bike, going to the gym, gardening and walking for miles without problems not long ago. I could take stronger painkillers (the mild ones do nothing anyway) but then I can't drive and I need to drive since I can't walk and since I need to drive to help my mum who is 93 this month!
Moan, moan, moan - think I need a few glasses of my favourite wine to chill out!
Lovely to see photos on fb of the aurora taken in Scotland and Cumbria. 
Lots of fireworks going off around here tonight - maybe they think it's the 5th already!
It's over 6 months since Terry had his second covid jab so I was hoping he'd have had his invitation to book but he hasn't had it yet. Walk-in is available to him, so the NHS website states, but there are no places locally doing the boosters on walk-in! Hope he gets his invitation soon.
My daughter has hers booked for this month which I am pleased about.

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