Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

This artist is Geoffrey Chambers and he is on display at Chatham INTRA in the window adjacent to Catherine Chinatree's maps. Unfortunately for Geoffrey he is facing the neon signs of the Kebab Centre, but at least that means I haven't nicked his copyright. Also unfortunately for Geoffrey, if you search for him online him you are likely uncover a great deal more about a Welsh serial sex offender with the same name, so I have provided a link to the correct Geoffrey to save you wading through all that.

A few doors along at the bicycle repair shop the lovely people there tell me that they have done what is necessary to keep me safe for the next few months but that really, by then the bike will need so much doing to it that it would be better to replace it. I am so grateful to them for adopting this approach. It was a cheap bike when I bought it in August 2018 and I have used it almost every day since then. I have certainly got my money's worth out of it and I have time to think about what to do next. Perhaps something with a battery. We shall see.

1989: The year the Berlin Wall fell

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