Michael and Barry

I posted a photo of a ladder leaning against a wall on 14th October. Today, I discovered the gentleman responsible.  Barry Jacobson bought several properties at the bottom of Queen Street, or so he told me, and has been restoring them for several years past, or so he tells me. I haven't noticed any difference in all the time I've been walking past.

He has two wells on his land which he claims are fed by rainfall higher up the hill. He says it's his drinking water supply. I asked him if he gets the water tested. Oh no, he's quite confident that the water is good quality. Since the churchyard lies right at the top of the hill I would not be quite so sanguine.

If anything happens to him, someone will have a heck of a problem clearing out the property which isn't even listed. It used to be a stockinger workshop.

While standing there listening, Michael motored up on his scooter. His dog Jolene doesn't look very well. I'm not sure he's noticed. She's 14 and has deteriorated a lot since I last saw the pair of them at Open Church. She did at least have a high viz coat on for this very cold morning. There was frost on the ground.

I told Michael that the people at Open Church had asked about him so we may see him there again yet.

The sun was peeking through when I took this which is why it looks a bit bright.

Went to Gill's this afternoon to collect my handbag containing phone and wallet which I let fall getting out of  her car last night. But I had seen a shooting star.

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