Shapes of Cotinus

A Cotinus tree at the end of my road has the most exquisite colours in Autumn. It glows. Seed balls are still attached to the tips of branches.

I tottered to Open Church coffee morning. Disappointing after I was walking so well yesterday.

And who should be there but Barry from yesterday. Something of a surprise although Michael and I had been talking about it when we saw  him. Well, I knew he was eccentric, but I didn't expect him to come running after me with a pile of mail tucked under his coat exclaiming, 'They want me to get a television. I've never had a television. I don't want a television.' From which I gathered that the mail was demands to pay the TV licence, but I suppose it could just as easily have been marketing email from TV companies such as Sky or Virgin. I didn't stay to find out. He reckoned people had try to break down his door to force him to buy a TV.

Basil and I loped into Loughborough to buy prawns for next week which we forgot to do on Friday.

Then we went to the Baobab Café where I had toasted GF sandwich with chicken, sundried tomatoes and green pesto.

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