End Of The Day

What a day! The worst of my life.

There we were at the studio. The Mate hadn't been feeling too great on his way in but we had a couple coming to us for some portrait shots. They were known to us and we were having a good time with different poses and appropriate artefacts.

I was looking at the tethered screen when the lady asked The Mate if he was OK. I turned around. He was not OK, very not OK.

I will say nothing further here as this is someone else's private concern, other than that I asked the clients to dial 999 which they did. The dealt calmly with all the questions on the phone while I attended to The Mate.

The ambulance arrived within a few minutes and he was in safe hands.

The clients made me a cup of coffee while I sat and composed myself. They were great, the events would have been very frightening to them, too.

There was now no rush for me, things would take time. I went to The Mate's house and gathered up things in an bag he would need and made my way to Carlisle. I was so lucky to have been allowed into A & E to see him and, as I've delayed posting this blip, I can reassure you that he has been given the necessary treatment and is hoping it will make a big improvement to his life.

All the while The Man was over at Hexham General Hospital accompanying The B-I-L for a pre-op appointment.

At the end of day all is well and I'm having a drink!

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