Good job there were fireworks tonight or you might have had to put up with yet another Arachne Climate Change Protest Photo. Oxford's climate march today, alongside others right across the globe, was huge and inspiring (probably the biggest I've been to since Oxford's anti Iraq war demo in March 2003) but I am getting worse and worse at taking photos of them, and even my pics from the stage, in my brief moment of helping lead the crowd in the COP anthem, were dull.

I do realise that pumping lots of brightly coloured CO2 into the atmosphere doesn't fit easily with purist climate-change protesting but as I have been saying to the many people I talk with in the street around the edge of our demos, just because you're not perfect doesn't mean you can't do the little bit you feel able to do.

I adore fireworks. They invigorate me to carry on with the rest. 

This evening I did something I've never done before and set my camera to fireworks mode. Wow, it's good! All I had to do was set up my dusty tripod somewhere not too many people would trip over it (I rescued it from three uncontrolled feet), set the focus (infinity), attach my remote control and predict where the next explosions would be. It meant I could both get photos and watch the fireworks with my own eyes rather than through a viewfinder.

Loads of extras today because... well, because fireworks (and a mega bonfire).

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