Morning Sky

TT was up and out early.  I took my lead from him and got up and headed out for a run.  What a lovely morning, and good to be out when there weren’t many folk about – apart from runners and dog walkers.    Five and a half miles later, I was back home before BB headed off to school.  I hung my first load of washing out and got myself ready to meet a friend.  We went for a walk at John Muir Country Park,  We had planned to reward ourselves at the Foxlake café.  Alas it was closed, which was a real shame.  We went to the café at Tyninghame instead and enjoyed a lovely cheese scone in the courtyard, in the sunshine.  Just lovely for November.
S dropped me off, and after hanging more washing out, I popped into town to collect our lunch.  I really couldn’t be bothered with my usual Friday chores, so was a bit half-hearted about them before looking for an excuse to pop out for a couple of things.  BB spent his afternoon on the sofa watching movies.
Later  I made tea and then browsed the TV to find something to watch.  I had to evict BB from the sofa first.  And later I saw the wonderful Miriam on Graham Norton.  TT was Zooming.  We were treated to a wee firework display from the houses behind us, which was an impressive few minutes.  I also watched ten minutes of the Yester fireworks display, by peering out of an upstirs window.  The display was about five miles away, but I could see the high fireworks.
This was the morning sky as I headed out for my run.

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