If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cyclamen circle,

As anybody who has been reading Clickychick's blips will know "The Mate" is in hospital.  Carlisle Infirmary doesn't currently allow visiting Hexham, on the other hand, allows visiting if you have a negative test.  I think Carlisle could learn something there.

In the afternoon, after CC got her booster, and unexpectedly her flu jabs (the flu was unexpected as the practice had told her they had run out of vaccine) we headed for Carlisle taking some things "The Mate" had requested.  After handing them to a volunteer to deliver to the ward we headed for Dobbies on the way home.  After a coffee and a scone, we had a wander around the plants in the gathering dusk.

At this time of the year, the display of flowers isn't huge and the light wasn't giving very good results.  So I decided to try "messing about".  This is a triple multiple exposures with the angle change three times and so forming the circle.

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