If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Somebody is wondering why has he done that in mono?  Well, it illustrates very nicely one of the characteristics of Herdwicks.  The honest answer is for reasons I have yet to work out the colour as it came out of the camera I didn't like and I hadn't the time or inclination to faff about trying to correct it.

Back to the characteristics of Herdwicks.   They are born black and get lighter as they age.  The dark animals are this year's lambs the lighter ones are, going by the colour "Gimmers".   For those not used to sheep in the north, I will translate.  A gimmer is what I suppose would be correctly referred to as a shearling.   That is an animal that is about a year old and has been or will soon be sheared for the first time.  Sometimes two shears are still referred to as gimmers.

Yet another of my shots taken in the short walk from the Lodge to the bins,

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