New reality day 467

Icy Sunay morning.

I've been lounging around mostly. Did fill the bird feeder and other bird food stations. Did some laundry. Watered plants. Walked wit the dogs.

After that I binge watched the rest of the season 2 of Big Little Lies. I really enjoyed it even with the darkness it has. It's nice to see all strong female lead roles with support by male roles. And have a brilliant and nearly addictive outcome to viewer. I hope they (Kidman and Witherspoon) do more series like this.

Now both our cars have winter tires. It's getting colder for few days and after that it will be warmer again. I had nothing to do with that. My husband did all the work. My hands aren't yet any good for any physical labor.

Next up another walk with the dogs and then sauna.

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