
By CleanSteve

Our delightful bougainvillea is flowering again

The bougainvillea plant is a star. I bought it in a pot earlier this year and have been amazed by its capacity to produce new sets of flowers. This is the second time it has produced  them since the first flowers dried and fell. Actually its vivid blooms are actually brightly coloured bracts surrounding clusters of tiny white flowers. 

I'm hoping I can keep it through the winter months indoors on the windowsill in my study. There it will join two avocado plants I've grown from seed this year, as well as two pelargonium ardens plants which also appreciate the warmth.

I took the bougainvillea out to the cabin and set up a tripods to be able to control the conditions. I'm a bit our of practice at such still life subjects. I think I needed a reflector to balance the one sided light through the cabin windows.

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